~* MY LIFE - with - MY CHOICE - at - MY PACE *~

Saturday, 21 December 2013

Taiwan (台北 + 花莲) - November 2013


11月10日 星期日

由于其他航空都客满及时间不符,我第一次乘搭亚航出差。庆幸这回没太多的行程耽误及拖延。抵达台北已将近傍晚,然而被吓到的是公寓管理员竟说我预定的住宿是明天?! 开玩笑,我人都已经抵达了那要我在哪落脚啊?再次确认邮件后,才发现他们由原本说定的11月10日在最后的邮件里却误改为11月11日。经过一番解释后,还好他们还有一间空房,要不然我可要流宿街头了。 卸下行李后,我当然不会错过台湾让人垂涎三尺的道地美食- 鸭舌,臭豆腐,大肠面线,烤肉串而最终决定再次到访士林夜市,而因此又错过了踏足龙山寺的机会。逛完士林夜市,再次回到双连站,精力旺盛的我继续速往宁夏夜市,再续狂吃后半段。

11月11日 星期一 

又一次回到淡水,然而这次到访的景点却与上次不同。这次也不再是我一个人的单独旅途,而是难得的拥有同事们的相伴。沿着淡水老街一路逛,欣赏尝试着街边商店所售卖的各式各样不同的精品与小食,也在这找到了我爱吃的铁蛋和鱼酥。移伴中的一位孕妇,总把我们身边的人吓得心惊胆跳的。怀胎4-5个月的她,仍旧活奔乱跳,还跟我们一块儿搭乘渡轮到对岸的渔人码头(船费TWD 120)。然而那寒冷的风,把我们吹得都快冻僵了。 

照往例,会议参加者都于7.00pm集合于福容四星级饭店的大厅,集合来自中国(2),台湾(2),香港(2),印度(1),中东(1),菲律宾(1),新加坡(1),芬兰(1),泰国(2),马来西亚(4) 的同事们共聚晚餐。非常开心能再次与我的工作伙伴们欢聚。

11月12日 星期二 

会议于9.00am开始,热烈讨论着眼前的问题,解决方案,三五年计划,分享进展及成果等。经过一整天的脑细胞摧残,会议结束后经由我们台湾同事的细心安排,我们乘搭小型巴士前往位于台北101的鼎太丰餐馆享用晚餐。由于这是属于台湾一家有名的餐馆,尽管我们已提前预位,然而仍得等上一小时。盛餐后的自由活动,我们则结伴5人(A.C.K, C.K., R.C., J.K., L.C.Y.) 同往“五分埔”前进。据说这是购买衣物的必访地,然而我们5人却都无获而返。我难得看上的一件青绿色外套,却因尺度稍微松宽而放弃了。尽管终究没买到什么,然而我们却一路交谈什欢及乐在其中。

11月13日 星期三 


11月14日 星期四 

半清醒状态下,乘搭早上7.20am的台铁自强号前往石头的故乡- 花莲。三步一小庙,五步一大庙绝对适合用于形容台湾,那精致的手工雕刻绝对会让你叹为观止。 “花之恋”是一间网上颇为好评的民宿。价钱公道,环境干净,接待友善已成为焦点。安顿好行李后,就迈步探索四周的景点。可惜徒步可达的地点不多,必须乘搭德士到达目的地。 第一站- 郁金香花园和在于网上搜寻到的景象拥有太大的出入。那没打理的花园犹如一座失去皆日风采的荒城,让我失望了。在不知何去何从之时,亲切的德士司机就建议到访附近的吉安庆修院,一座由日治時期建造的花莲三级古迹,是唯一保存完好的日式寺院。 同事极力推荐的庙口红茶,确实是下午茶的好地点。美味的茶点和饮料,吸引着不少当地的顾客光临。 经过一番网上搜索,花莲只有两个夜市,其中一个就是南滨夜市。当晚骑着向民宿借来的脚踏车冒着细雨去探个究竟,然而这是一个没落及冷清的夜市,只有少数的档口营业着。接着就骑到邻近的石艺大街,那上好漂亮的玫瑰石雕品,让我差点忍不住就要破费了。 

11月5日 星期五 

花莲,这一个台湾同事介绍的地点,果然非同凡响。由于还未过度开发,这里还保有那原始的美。相对于花莲市中心,郊外的景色额外迷人。经过民宿小姐细心的安排,我就参与一个小型团队享受花莲一日游。我们到达的第一站是七星潭,一个非常漂亮的海滩。它的特色莫过于那形形色色的鹅柳石,经过岁月的洗礼留下不同纹路。那清爽的海风不像热带国家般湿粘,而是清爽的。第二站是太鲁阁,以雄伟壮丽的大理岩闻名。路经“清水断崖”及经过重重隧道,我们终于抵达燕子口 。每當春夏之际,常有小雨燕和洋燕在峭壁间穿梭鸣唱,或在洞穴內筑巢。由于那段隧道常有断断续续的落石,游客都被要求戴上安全帽。



我们的旅途于傍晚接近尾声,友善的导游提议带我们到自强夜市购买晚餐。由于时间尚早,只有少许档口开始营业,所以我们只有幸品尝棺材板,果汁,番薯蛋,也请了那亲切的司机一杯凤梨葡萄汁。 这一趟TWD 850的太鲁阁行程绝对值得。

11月16日 星期六 

有惊无险的早晨,莫过于计程车司机给的“惊喜”。前晚预约了6.15am的德士以便搭乘7.00am前往新竹的火车,却在6.30am都还不见司机的踪影。超感激有位热心的邻居帮忙联络一位相熟的司机,以及司机大哥的超速让我赶上了火车。 这一趟火车开往新竹,因为我的目的地是新竹绿世界,只为了一睹我觉得超可爱的草泥马。那呆呆笨笨的样子,确实非常讨喜。 原本的计划是乘搭客运再转高铁前往桃园机场,然而我已精疲力尽而无力再搬着行李了,最终决定不顾费用而搭计程车前往桃园机场。不够现金的我,还得在机场换台币来付车费呢。 

这一趟台湾行也让我花费不少,然而感激有机会踏足于台湾东部。* 我的下一站 - 台南!

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

The Wolverine

Release: 25th July 2013 

Run Time: 2 Hours 6 Minutes 

Plot Summary: Based on the celebrated comic book arc, this epic action-adventure takes Wolverine (Hugh Jackman), the most iconic character of the X-Men universe, to modern day Japan. Out of his depth in an unknown world he will face a host of unexpected and deadly opponents in a life-or-death battle that will leave him forever changed. Vulnerable for the first time and pushed to his physical and emotional limits, he confronts not only lethal samurai steel but also his inner struggle against his own immortality, emerging more powerful than we have ever seen him before. 

Another weekend well spent at the cinema and this movie is way better than I had expected. 一个字…“帅”! The combination of the mutant and the ninjas will always get the story right. The adamantium claws were amazing and this immortal mutant just delivers a great action involving money, power, weapons, beautiful damsels and tempting murderesses. The saving of Yashida from the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki turns out to be a disaster for Logan after discovering the healing factor in him. Does this eventually means that being a superhero is just not so nice-to-be after all…and saving others will ultimately get yourself into trouble? lol (At least in real life this is somehow true...)

Monday, 29 July 2013

Movies 2013

It’s been long since my last writing on movie reviews and here are some recaps of my 2013 movies in cinema as far as I can remember:

Pacific Rim Release: 11th July 2013

Run Time: 2 Hours 11 Minutes

Plot Summary: When legions of monstrous creatures, known as Kaiju, started rising from the sea, a war began that would take millions of lives and consume humanity's resources for years on end. To combat the giant Kaiju, a special type of weapon was devised: massive robots, called Jaegers, which are controlled simultaneously by two pilots whose minds are locked in a neural bridge. But even the Jaegers are proving nearly defenceless in the face of the relentless Kaiju. On the verge of defeat, the forces defending mankind have no choice but to turn to two unlikely heroes - a washed up former pilot (Charlie Hunnam) and an untested trainee (Rinko Kikuchi) - who are teamed to drive a legendary but seemingly obsolete Jaeger from the past. Together, they stand as mankind's last hope against the mounting apocalypse.

The first impression I have on this movie while watching the trailer was none other than “yea…it is nothing more than a movie with robots fighting against the monsters (having immediately ultra-men in mind) Nevertheless it proofs me wrong where this is indeed a superb movie for the month with fantastic robots-fighting scenes, great sound effects, massive destructions and brilliant storyline. The human element in the monster-robots movies is always the key to success. It is visually amazing but unfortunately we were left with the first and only row for the night hence “enjoying” the movie with stiffed-neck and shoulder-ache. Well, this absolutely worth the collection in blue-ray.

White House Down Release: 27th June 2013

Run Time: 2 Hours 11 Minutes

Plot Summary: In Columbia Pictures' White House Down, Capitol Policeman John Cale (Channing Tatum) has just been denied his dream job with the Secret Service of protecting President James Sawyer (Jamie Foxx). Not wanting to let down his little girl with the news, he takes her on a tour of the White House, when the complex is overtaken by a heavily armed paramilitary group. Now, with the nation's government falling into chaos and time running out, it's up to Cale to save the president, his daughter, and the country. 

After long hearing the advertisement on the radio, I started getting interested wondering how good could this movie be. This is another story of disaster surrounding the white-house subsequent to the release of Olympus Has Fallen (Hmmp…why are there so many movies favoring the attack on the white-house while in reality this could hardly happen due to the invincible arm forces, or is this the human nature fantasying a fight against the impossible). This is also a movie featuring exclusively a one-man-show to save the world. But…will there be such a hero in real life?

Despicable Me 2 Release: 4th July 2013

Run Time: 1 Hours 34 Minutes

Plot Summary: Chris Meledandri and his acclaimed filmmaking team create an all-new comedy adventure featuring the return of (former?) super-villain Gru (Steve Carell), his adorable girls, the unpredictably hilarious Minions...and a host of new and outrageously funny characters. 

Ba-ba-ba ba ba na na...This is an undeniably cute movie for the month staring the adorable minions, but unfortunately this is associated with many negative post-movie-effect initiating the various debates unfolding the hideous truth of our society where people does purchased the meal merely for the sake of the toy while discarding the food in waste. Dozens of people fighting for a plastic-made toy with all sorts of incredible incidents and actions was rather depicting the dilemma within our society that should not be overlooked and neglected.

World War Z Release: 20th June 2013

Run Time: 1 Hours 53 Minutes

Plot Summary: Based on the novel by Max Brooks. The story revolves around United Nations employee Gerry Lane (Pitt), who traverses the world in a race against time to stop a pandemic that is toppling armies and governments and threatening to decimate humanity itself. 

This movie could certainly offer more than it should. Yea, while this world is gradually turning human into working zombies, thus I wonder when will the real apocalypse featuring working zombies be seen around…lol. 

Man of Steel Release: 13th June 2013

Run Time: 2 Hours 22 Minutes

Plot Summary: A young boy learns that he has extraordinary powers and is not of this Earth. As a young man, he journeys to discover where he came from and what he was sent here to do. But the hero in him must emerge if he is to save the world from annihilation and become the symbol of hope for all mankind. 

It’s been long since my last outing with a big group of colleagues and here comes the day where more than 25 of us were gathered at TGV Sunway for the 3D experience watching the story of the ever living flying dude. I believe there’s nothing really new to the story other than the design of the new suit and the fact that this flying guy finally gets it right in wearing his underwear. The developed technology presented this old story in a brand new high-technological way, thus it is still worth watching. 

The Hangover Part III Release: 30th May 2013

Run Time: 1 Hours 40 Minutes

Plot Summary: "The Hangover Part III" is a departure from the usual format of the first two installments, in which the trio of Phil, Stu and Alan, a.k.a. The Wolfpack do not wake up from an outrageous drunken night out and they try and piece together what craziness went down. Instead, 'The Wolfpack' has to break resident eccentric, Alan, out of a mental institution this time around. 

Comedy is often not my choice, thus I couldn’t have given a good rating for this one featuring a bunch of idiots with silly acts.

Epic Release: 23rd May 2013

Run Time: 1 Hours 42 Minutes

Plot Summary: EPIC is a 3D animated fantasy adventure that reveals a hidden world unlike any other. From the creators of ICE AGE and RIO, EPIC tells the story of an ongoing battle deep in the forest between the forces of good who keep the natural world alive and the forces of evil who wish to destroy it. When a teen age girl finds herself magically transported into this secret universe, she must band together with a rag-tag team of fun and whimsical characters in order to save their world…and ours. 

This is a beautiful 3D cartoon where a fantasy forest is always the fabulous setting for animation having the colorful flowers, mystery of the forest and forever adorable animals. The 2 slugs have played the significant role in this motion picture to attract me for a spent after all. This simple cartoon brought us back to the childhood fantasy of the tiny world of fairies and monsters. The 3D experience in Genting over the weekend was superb.

Now You See Me Release: 30th May 2013

Run Time: 1 Hours 55 Minutes

Plot Summary: The project is described as a thriller that pits a crack FBI squad in a game of cat-and-mouse against a super-team of the world's greatest illusionists, who pull off a series of daring bank heists during their performances, showering the profits on their audiences while staying one step ahead of the law. 

Another awesome movie of the year presenting a whole new idea on magic tricks by 4 professional magicians. “You think you see everything that you need to see, but you actually don’t see everything”. The unpredictability of the plot and several twists caught my attention throughout the cast. Though many negative reviews were received internationally concerning the complication and ridiculous story-line, nevertheless if you forgo the over-analytical mind-set to sit back and relax, you would enjoy the show. 

Iron Man 3 Release: 20th June 2013

Run Time: 2 Hours 11 Minutes

Plot Summary: Marvel’s “Iron Man 3” pits brash-but-brilliant industrialist Tony Stark/Iron Man against an enemy whose reach knows no bounds. When Stark finds his personal world destroyed at his enemy's hands, he embarks on a harrowing quest to find those responsible. This journey, at every turn, will test his mettle. With his back against the wall, Stark is left to survive by his own devices, relying on his ingenuity and instincts to protect those closest to him. As he fights his way back, Stark discovers the answer to the question that has secretly haunted him: does the man make the suit or does the suit make the man?

Another Marvel movie having some good comedic part, this is quite a good and entertaining one. The action was there, plus the flying-around of a dozen of iron-men suits was like a “wow…” eventually. I couldn’t make further comparison to the previous chapters as I have almost totally forgotten everything (start worrying about my memory…hmmp)

Fast & Furious 6 Release: 23rd May 2013 

Run Time: 2 Hours 10 Minutes 

Plot Summary: Agent Hobbs enlists the aid of Dom and team to help bring a rival gang, led by Owen Shaw, to justice. In exchange for clear records, they must put an end to their schemes, no matter how personal the cost. Building on the worldwide blockbuster success of Fast Five and taking the action, stunts and narrative to even greater heights, Fast & Furious 6 sees director Justin Lin back behind the camera for the fourth time. 

The team is back! This is a movie I have long waited after watching Fast & Furious 5 only recently. Though some of the actions are insane and doesn’t seem logical, but the explosions do already worth the price of watching. 

Oz the Great and Powerful Release: 7th March 2013 

Run Time: 2 Hours 10 Minutes 

Plot Summary: Disney's fantastical adventure "Oz The Great and Powerful," imagines the origins of L. Frank Baum's beloved character, the Wizard of Oz. When Oscar Diggs, a smalltime circus magician with dubious ethics, is hurled away from dusty Kansas to the vibrant Land of Oz, he thinks he's hit the jackpot-fame and fortune are his for the taking-that is until he meets three witches, Theodora, Evanora and Glinda, who are not convinced he is the great wizard everyone's been expecting. Reluctantly drawn into the epic problems facing the Land of Oz and its inhabitants, Oscar must find out who is good and who is evil before it is too late. 

A rather disappointing movie with average rating. This certified classic was presented in a way too fancy which exactly shows “more is less” and being too juvenile and simplistic to entertain anyone with an age.

Jack the Giant Slayer Release: 28th February 2013 

Run Time: 1 Hours 55 Minutes 

Plot Summary: "Jack the Giant Slayer" tells the story of an ancient war that is reignited when a young farmhand unwittingly opens a gateway between our world and a fearsome race of giants. Unleashed on the Earth for the first time in centuries, the giants strive to reclaim the land they once lost, forcing the young man, Jack, into the battle of his life to stop them. Fighting for a kingdom, its people, and the love of a brave princess, he comes face to face with the unstoppable warriors he thought only existed in legend-and gets the chance to become a legend himself. 

Em….no comment but…okok lah

A Good Day to Die Hard Release: 7th February 2013

Run Time: 1 Hours 36 Minutes

Plot Summary: Bruce Willis returns in his most iconic role as John McClane - the “real” hero with the skills and attitude to always be the last man standing. This time the take-no-prisoners cop is really in the wrong place at the wrong time after traveling to Moscow to help his estranged son Jack. With the Russian underworld in pursuit, and battling a countdown to war, the two McClanes discover that their opposing methods make them unstoppable heroes. 

Being in favor of Bruce Willis movies, this was rather an average one but still it is a good way to spend your weekend in support of the Die Hard series.

G.I. Joe: Retaliation Release: 28th March 2013

Run Time: 1 Hours 50 Minutes

Plot Summary: Bruce Willis returns in his most iconic role as John McClane - the “real” hero with the skills and attitude to always be the last man standing. This time the take-no-prisoners cop is really in the wrong place at the wrong time after traveling to Moscow to help his estranged son Jack. With the Russian underworld in pursuit, and battling a countdown to war, the two McClanes discover that their opposing methods make them unstoppable heroes. 

I could hardly recall the story after almost 6 months, but recollecting the pieces of images in mind reminds me with only both black and white ninjas…lol.

I Love Hong Kong 2013 Release: 10th February 2013

Run Time: 1 Hours 38 Minutes

Plot Summary: The story takes place in the 1970s until modern times, in which all families are happily prepare and welcome the Chinese New Year in Hong Kong. However, a traditional restaurant in Yau Ma Tei faces terrible problem. At last, everything solved with the neighbours’ kind support and assistance as happy ending. 

This is the first movie of the year (as far as I can remember), but nothing more to comment as the Chinese New Year movie series are often nothing more than some happy ending comedy.



Another batch of newly-wed couples for the year 2013. Thousands congratulation to the followings:

Mr. OWK and Ms. YHL on 23rd March 2013

Mr. EKJL and Ms. PWPP on 22nd June 2013

Mr. LJY and Ms. JOSC on 8th September 2013

Mr. OTH and Ms. TCG on 12th September 2013

Mr. TKF and Ms. CMS on 14th September 2013

Mr. AYF and Ms. LMS on 14th December 2013

Mr. HW and Ms. DSLL on 27th December 2013

Sincerely wishing all of you Happily Ever After~!!!

-* More merry news to come especially on the "juniors". So stay tuned for the next 满月篇 ^^

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Taiwan (台北 + 台中) - April 2013

台湾独步行~ 2013 

Duration: 8 天7夜 
商业会议: 21st – 24th April 2013  
旅游渡假: 25th – 28th April 2013  


4月21日2013年 星期天 阴 
行程:建國假日花市和玉市 → 台北101 → 士林夜市

早晨7时15分的机场已布满人潮,然而登记的过程却顺畅无阻。经过4小时50分钟的飞行,我终于踏入台湾国际桃园机场。顺利通过关口后,等待在那的接待人员已拿着我的名板,以友善的招呼迎接我的到来。入住的4.8星级台北福容大饭店,提供着舒适的套房,完善的设施和专业的服务。卸下行李后,我开始独步前往市区去探索台北的生活面貌。15°C的天气,让我 开始后悔没带全副冬装前来。步行到饭店附近的建國假日花市和玉市,开始目睹台北的热闹人潮。这两大市场售卖着各式各样的花,特别是当季的海芋,还有那琳琅满目的玉石和玉饰。经过一番的询问和地图研究,我成功乘塔捷运到市政府站再步行1公里抵达台北101。之后再踏捷运至士林夜市去一尝美食。那可怕的人潮,简直把我挤得透不过气来。然而可喜的是我尝到了超好吃的串烧牛、羊肉和鲜炸鱿鱼。 

4月22日2013年 星期一 阴

4月23 日2013年 星期二 晴 
同样一整天的设备会议和培训,让我们都对公司的标准要求及当地的附合程度和难处有了更深入的了解和共识。我趁午休的时间到公司附近走走,也顺便看一看台北白领族的午休情况。看着各处售卖着便当,一种在台湾为及普遍的午餐,有着各式各样的种类,极为方便。又一天的工作结束后,随着一位亲切同事的陪同,一起踏捷运到位於台北市萬華區東北方的西门町去见识一下这以年轻族群為主要的消費对象的商场。那热闹的人潮看起来像周末甚于周日。我们肯定不会错过一探那兩层高的三级古蹟紅磚洋樓- 西门红楼,也顺便到邻近的日本餐馆吃旋转寿司。 

4月24 日2013年 星期三 雨

终于来到了工作的最后一天,较为轻松的总结了我的商业到访任务。晚上由同事的安排下,转换去一间极靠近双联捷运站的酒店式公寓- 维纳斯。一个小小的雅致套房,足以让疲惫的我很快进入梦乡。 

4月25日2013年 星期四 雨
行程:霞海城隍廟 (步行) → 大稻埕戏苑 (步行) → 林柳新纪念偶戏博物馆 (步行) → 故宫博物院 (捷运、客运) → 士林宫邸 (客运) → 淡水老街 (捷运) → 红毛城 (步行) → 真理大学 (步行)

感激同事早晨发来的简讯善意提醒,劝我更改行程取消今天的台中之行,因为高铁突然发生故障停驶了,我只好把隔天和今天的行程来个大对调。 吃过道地的台湾蚵仔面线,步行大约1.8公里到大同区的霞海城隍廟(没比我想象中般富丽堂皇)及大稻埕戏苑,再步行240m到林柳新纪念偶戏博物馆。这是一 座很特别的博物馆,典藏着多元化的偶戲文物5200多件。这虽然看来只是一座不起眼的观光地,然而这四层楼窄小的博物馆及NT$80 的入场费绝对是值得的,也让我留下深刻的印象。可惜由于时间上的不足,我无幸观赏那经典的布袋戏。 大约中午十二时,我开始乘塔捷运及客运到下一站- 故宫博物院(NT$160)。这绝对是一个必访之地。那丰富的收藏品以及资讯,就连我这个对华人传统一向都没兴趣的人都会叹如观止。对于中华历史极有兴趣者,也许待上一整天都不够。我特别欣赏鼻烟壶文化特展及巧雕玉石展那细致的手工,以及绘画,书法那优美的展示品。然而我必须用“可怕的人潮”来形容那络绎不绝的中国观光客,固然让我止步因而失去了欣赏一些文化古物的机会。 由于前往淡水捷运站的行程会经过士林宫邸,我当然不会错过这著名的旅游胜地。下着细雨的天气,也阻挡不了观光的人潮。刚离开士林宫邸不久,竟然有人向我询问方向。没想到身在异地的我,竟然有机会为他人指路(别点人去荷兰就是了)。回 到士林站,随便找了个摊位再点了碗蚵仔面线,以及一碗麻辣汤臭豆腐(可惜我不太会欣赏)当午餐。抵达淡水已是4.00pm,下着雨的淡水刮着冷风(大约 13°C),然而我还是迈步近45分钟(2km)来到红毛城。这古迹比我想象中大多了。早于网上搜查到的资料,让我误以为这只是一个小小的城堡古迹。然而 到达后让我震撼的是城堡的壮观及雄伟。 真理大学,一座怎么看都不像大学的大学,有着无以伦比的漂亮建筑和景色。经过淡江高中-“不能說的秘密”的拍摄景点(我没看),只能说台湾的中、小学至大学都很棒。而台湾,确实有偶像剧般的浪漫感觉,难怪每部偶像剧都大同小异的描写着仅有稍微不同的浪漫情节。真是走得脚都快断掉的一天。然而让我对台湾这个美丽的国家更具期待了。 

4月26日2013 年 星期五 晴 
行程:台中(台铁) → 20号仓库(步行) → 宫原眼科(步行) → 新社古堡 (客运+的士) → 纸箱王(客运) → 东海国际艺术街(客运) → 台北(高铁) → 宁夏夜市(步行)  



千万别以为这是真的眼科,因为这里著名的是口味独特的冰淇淋!54种不同的口味分为三大类- 巧克力冰淇淋,水果冰淇淋及茶冰淇淋。 而配料则奇特的是土凤梨酥,手工饼干,巧克力雪球,花饼等等。那里也售卖各种不同的台湾土产,我也买了土凤梨饼,杏仁酥和宋種单叢茶叶。之后就和这位新朋 友分道扬镳各自去探险了。 


经由同事的介绍,我用了一小时的时间塔客运到中兴嶺站。由路人提供的资讯,从客运站步行到新社古堡至少需要45 分钟至一个小时。由于时间有限,我只好花费NT$150乘塔的士前往目的地。NT$250 的入门票得以参观古堡里的迷霧瀑布、虹桥、特色六角餐厅和南洋风味餐厅等等景點。难得的是,我有机会独自坐下慢慢享受一杯人参姜母茶(价值NT$150但NT$100可由入门票抵费)。 抱着“我就不信我走不到”的心态,我沿路步行20分钟就到达客运站(根本没路人所说的一小时那么夸张啦),途中得见不同的商店贩卖着不同的蘑菇商品,我也不错过机会买了一杯香炸盐酥综合菇NT$60边走边享用。 

一个纸箱建立的王国,用瓦楞纸带你体验一个不同的世界。创意园区里以各国不同的主题用纸箱创造出来,还有各种不同的动物(包括了可爱的草泥马)。NT$200的入场卷,可用NT$100 来抵购任何的物品,而我则买了价值NT$160的音乐盒,也寄了张明信片给自己(不过到现在还没收到呢)。 


晚餐,当然要在美食夜市解决。尽管走得再累再饿,我都坚决塔8.15pm的高铁回台北。来到热闹的夜市,锁定炸臭豆腐,去皮鸡脚,卤鸭舌当晚餐,也不忘到7-Elevan 购买台湾水果啤酒。 

4 月27日2013 年 星期六 晴 
行程:九分 → 黄金博物馆 → 第十三层遗址 → 十份 

那独特旧式建筑和街道,因电影《悲情城市》而闻名。日本动画大师宫崎骏的作品,《千与千寻》中的街道,灵感也是取自於九份老街。九分的怀旧气息,让我爱上这地方。九份旧式纪念艺术品,更让我有狂购的冲动。然而难得我唯一看中的一件陶笛,却无缘购买因为制作还没完成。 由一位同事介绍的餐馆- 芋仔蕃薯,我们得以坐下享受美景,美食和名茶。被大自然包围的木屋,那里绝对是一个放松的佳境。然而又是一个13°C的地方,不过我告诉自己一定要好好享受这里的天气,因为回到马来西亚就没那样的机会了。 


黄金瀑布 / 阴阳海 / 第十三层遗址
感激台湾同事的热情,载我一睹这让我感兴趣的景点。开车绕台湾北部的海岸线,沿着滨海公路到达水湳洞:阴阳海、十三层遗址、黄金瀑布皆可欣赏。这些景点是一般旅行团所没有规划的行程,然而我就特爱这类景点远胜于逛百货购物。金瓜石矿区在开采时矿石裸露,经雨水及地下水的溶解,形成了矿酸,这两种因素也造就了阴阳海的景观。黄金瀑布位于金水公路上,早期金瓜石因盛产金矿,使得矿山的岩层外露,加上当地雨量丰富,雨水经矿区的岩层渗入地底,与地质内的黄铁矿及砷铜矿接触,经由氧化还原的化学作用,形成酸铁水由矿坑排出,流经层层的山沟,在水湳洞形成小瀑布,故称为黄金瀑布。黄金瀑布的水质里含有砷及重金属-砷, 就是古时候所说的砒霜,是一种剧毒,所以只能在旁观赏。 

天灯的故乡,看着一盏一盏的天灯升起,感受着人们许愿的心情,感觉无限幸福。我最爱的,仍是那些五彩缤纷的小天灯。难得一见的是在火车馗道上,仍然人来人往直到火车逼近当儿人潮才迅速的散去。 离开新北市后,我们再次到公司附近吃晚餐。第一次品尝台湾传统冬天进补首选的美味佳肴- 姜母鸭。而晚餐后当然不忘去做最后的冲刺- 狂扫面膜和保养品。 

4月28日2013年 星期天 阴 
行程:台北国际桃园机场 → 马来西亚吉隆坡国际机场

在台北的最后一天,原本还想吃一碗我爱的蚵仔面线,然而附近的两间店铺都没开,只好在附近的早市买了些糕点,再等待计程车的接送前往机场。原本担心行李超重的我,却到机场才发现原来我还有10kg的行李容量!真后悔没多买些物品把它给装满。(无可否认,我的钱也所剩无几了。再买我也恐怕抬不回去了) 由于这次的行程总计划离起飞的日期仅有短短的十一天,我的各项资料搜寻和住宿安排都是在极度匆促的情况下决定的。开始时的疑惑烦恼莫过于考虑逗留的天数。然而随着仔细搜寻各项资料的过程,竟渐渐让我对台湾产生了浓厚的兴趣,开始酝酿着出国的心情,开始期待着日子的来临。对于台湾地理完全不通的情况下,唯有开始盲目的摸索。超感激一位台湾同事的帮忙,给了我不少意见、协助和资料,减轻了我当无头苍蝇的无奈。 

一 个人的旅程,一个人的步伐,让我体会了不少新鲜事物。而这次的旅途,也没太多漂亮的照片,因为我只想用眼睛看世界。由于时间的限制,没选择之下我只好放弃南投的旅程,失去了涉足清境农场及日月潭的机会。北投温泉,桃源仙谷,心之芳庭也是我没能一睹美景的遗憾。所以台湾,我誓必再访! 要到台湾的朋友们,最好先为自己准备一本记事簿,因为盖章是那里的特色,而多个名胜地都会有纪念盖章让你发挥创意制造自己独特的旅游日记。



注:描写这一篇部落格游记还真是折磨及考验我那有限的华语程度 =.=” 不过难得的是,我终于写完啦!!!

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Thailand (Bangkok, Pattaya) - October / November 2012

Business Duration: 29th October 2012 – 1st November 2012 
Vacation: 2nd November 2012 – 6th November 2012 

Day 1: 29th October 2012 (Monday)

Time flies where it is again the moment for the yearly CDM Booster Meeting and this year, the selected location was in the capital of Thailand- Bangkok. Together with 2 of the CDM Data Managers from MAL, we boarded on MH788 at 12:25pm heading to the Suvarnabhumi Airport. The pre-booked limousine taxi was waiting for us at the exit on time with a placard. The check-in process in the hotel was rather slow but thankfully we were being served with some syrup drinks to quench our thirst while waited to get the room key. A stay at VIE- the 5 star boutique hotel located at Ratchathewi (within a walking distance to some major shopping spots such as Siam Discovery, Siam Paragon and MBK) was excellent offering scrumptious meals and outstanding services. The upgraded room with 76-81 m² having a large working space, two flat screen TVs, electronic safe and beautiful Jim Thompson silk furnishings, separate living room and shower room with separate bathtub including Aigner amenities was superb.

After some nearby walk-around and taking a break in the room, we need to get ready for the first meet-up dinner. There was this envelope placed through the door to each of our room by the hotel management, reminding us to gather at the hotel lobby for group dinner at 6.30pm. We have had participants from FI, TH, MY, SG, IN, HK, CN, AU, PH, AE, DE and again, I get to meet some new faces this time compared to last year. This first buffet dinner meant for ice-breaking was great and I am in love with some of the food such as Chuka Chinmi, Iidako, Chuka Kurage and Hiyashi Wakame (why does it sounds Japanese rather than Thai…lol)

Day 2: 30th October 2012 (Tuesday) 

The kick-off meeting started at 8.30am begins our day long discussion. It was often fattening to attend meetings as we were being well-served with breakfast, lunch, 2 tea breaks and dinner. The dinner was taken in one of the authentic Thai restaurant- Ban Khun Mae serving scrumptious local delights and typical Thai dishes. There was this impromptu role acting team building game led by our Chinese colleague (A game of Wolf, Witch, Villages, Prophet, and Guardian) where all of us were laughing merrily and enjoying throughout the session. 

Day 3: 31st October 2012 (Wednesday) 

The meeting begins at 9.00am and ending at 4.00pm enable us to conclude on various topics. Most of the participants departed gradually that evening leaving only few of us in VIE. A walk in the nearby shopping malls and dinner with some of the colleagues from KHK and CHN was pleasant in taking some topics off and beyond work. The items in the shopping malls were dazzling and pleasant to the eyes which will often caused one to overspend if the person is not well controlled. 

Day 4: 1st November 2012 (Thursday) 

A visit to the Thailand office located in Chatuchak is planned where I intend to meet up with some of the Thai colleagues which I have long liaised with but yet to have the chance to meet them face-to-face. Since the BTS system is very convenient where it connects almost every major city and due to the horribly congested road traffic in town, I decided to take the BTS instead of a taxi. However, the major concern was rather the communication hindrances whereby not all Thai speaks English. I have had a hard and difficult time communicating with the taxi driver but nevertheless, I arrived at the destination safe and sound. (Thanks to the Thai colleague who passed me a written map in Thai whereby I can show it to the taxi driver) 

Day 5: 2nd November 2012 (Friday)

As this business trip was coincidentally held just a day before my friend’s holiday trip planned a year ago, I therefore get a chance to enjoy my vacation with a group of 10 friends for the next 4 days. After checking out from VIE early in the morning at 7.30am, I needed to travel to Khaosan to meet them in view of the fact that a van was booked from Khaosan to Pattaya. Beach, blue sky and crowd, we finally arrived at Pattaya after a few hours ride. A relaxing day spent in Pattaya with a swim at the beach, leg massage, and strolling-around at the night market and walking street. 

Day 6: 3rd November 2012 (Saturday) 

The morning was still spent in Pattaya and we were backed to Bangkok around evening. After checking in the Sleep Withinn, we walked to the night market to settle our dinner. The choices around that area were rather disappointing where we could only get some similar foodstuffs along the street rather than being offered with a variety of choices. The night was spent in one of the bar having some cocktails and snacks where I get to taste the delicious cheese wanton. Everyone then return to their room for a good night rest preparing for a long shopping day tomorrow. 

Day 7: 4th November 2012 (Sunday)

I was once again backed to chatuchak but this time it is for shopping rather than for business! This weekend market is still as hot as before, so crowded and so happening. Couldn’t believe that most of the breakfasts were settled at 7-Eleven having their instant rice-burger, bento and yoghurt drinks to appease our hunger. But undeniably these are indeed delectable. However I am still unable to get myself much stuff in this market where I only get to buy not more than 5 items. Upon our return to the hotel, all of us were worn out. Nonetheless, an ad-hoc birthday cake from Swenson was bought to celebrate the birthday of dai lou. 

Day 8: 5th November 2012 (Monday)

This is the day where I get to witness the shopping spree of a group of shopaholic in Pratunam. With many bags of goods purchased, they are still able to grab more stuffs by hand carry. We took our lunch in the famous Cabbages & Condoms Restaurant (where every decoration was made by condoms) and then proceed to Terminal 21 for shopping. The concept of market streets of the world in different floors was excellently decorated with well-known city streets scene such as Rome, Paris, Tokyo, London, Istanbul, San Francisco and Hollywood. Since this is the last night for us to be in this lively city, we decided to watch some shows eventually. We bought the ticket to the ladyboy show- Calypso Cabaret at THB900 and proceeded to the destination with a boat ride. To my disappointment, the show was 85% similar compared to 4 years ago and nothing much changes. After the show, we still have sometime to shop around Asiatique before the shops were fully closed and off business for the day. After some discussion and contemplation, we finally decided to watch the live ping-pong show in one of the club down town. Photographs are strictly prohibited in there whereby holding on to your phone will also be suspected and reprimanded. The end of the show does caused us to ponder about life whereby living as a woman, they were to sacrifice themselves for a living while we should be thankful for what we have now. 

Day 9: 6th November 2012 (Tuesday) 

MH783 arriving back in KL at 8:20pm unfortunately ended my trip with much physical exhaustion rather than relaxation. However I am grateful to be able to enjoy my days with a group of crazy mates once again. Overall, this city looks rather the same compared to my last visit 4 years ago. One of the concern before the trip was non other than the unpredictable weather during this rainy season, but thankfully the weather turns out to be good for the whole journey where we get to enjoy our days there despite the burning hot sun shining above us. This is a trip full of coconut ice-cream, som-tam, coconut juice and pineapple drinks where I think I am gaining tons of weight this time. Of course with the 7-Elevan, we get to buy most of our “souvenirs”- the Lay’s Potato Chips….lol

Sunday, 13 January 2013


The year of Dragon representing luck and prosperity to the Chinese have brought us many newly registered and newlywed couples. Hence a big congratulation to:

Mr. GWM & Ms. TTT on 12th May 2012 
Mr. NKC & Ms. LFH on 11th November 2012 
Mr. YWS & Ms. THY on 18th November 2012 
Mr. PYK & Ms. YXN on 24th November 2012 
Mr. LCY & Ms. LYP on 2nd December 2012 
Mr. AL & Ms. LPS on 9th December 2012 

Wishing all of you happily ever after~