~* MY LIFE - with - MY CHOICE - at - MY PACE *~

Thursday 23 October 2014

英国之 - 烹饪日记 2

Seafood Platter...lol
First time trying Seafood Fried Rice (with instant rice) + Asparagus

Weird combination again... >.<
First time cooking Sea Bass (难看的卖相...哈哈)

Sunday 19 October 2014

Shopaholic Weekend at Westfield

Finally, here comes my first full shopping day with a friend in London after been here for 6 months. Subsequent to some discussions based on the weather forecast, we finally decided to visit the mall rather than the shopping street since it is raining quite often recently.

Catching up at 11.00am, we decided to have our lunch in a restaurant called “Penang” by ordering Beef Rendang with Rice and Curry Laksa. Guess Malaysians have always the strong crave for local cuisine such as laksa, roti canai, nasi lemak and curry rendang, especially when staying abroad in a foreign land far away from home. All I can comment about the food is…”special”, neither does it taste like asam laksa nor curry laksa.

After a nice long chat over lunch, these two crazy women could really shops from 12.00noon to 8.30pm carrying a few bags in hand and going round and round the mall. Unfortunately most of the special restaurant (Mexican, Brazilian and etc) are crowded with long queues and therefore we were forced to settle our simple dinner at Burger King in order for me to be able to catch the late night train back to Chertsey.

Shopping for jeans will always be the greatest motivation for women to go on diet! I am gonna try real hard to fit myself back into XS again! (Hopefully >.<)

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Birthday 2014 之 - 感动篇


惊喜之一: 一班超有心的好友们,在我生日的前三个星期,就把手工制的卡片寄来英国,就怕没能在我生日之前让我收到。抱歉啊,瞒了你们…嘿嘿 

惊喜之二: 抵达公司打开电子邮箱的那一刻,很感动数位“前”同事给我带来的生日贺语和祝福。 

惊喜之三: 生日当天将近中午开会时刻,突然收到公司柜台发来附带笑脸的邮件告知我有外送的包裹请我下去接收。那一大箱的物品里,竟然是一束鲜花,花瓶和布偶。用橙黄色玫瑰和百合当我睡房的装饰,让我整个星期的心情都是晴天。(虽然近期都在下雨…) 

惊喜之四: 和我同部门的两位同事在我接获鲜花后才得知当天是我的生日,其中一位竟乘午餐时间开溜了出去买了张卡片,在我放工前离开坐位时偷偷的把写好的卡片放在我桌上。 

惊喜之五: 另外,一位在新加坡的傻婆竟然骗我说要寄结婚请柬而向我要了住址,却偷偷的寄来一张卡片和一大段温馨的内容。 

惊喜之六: 每一个祝福,不论是通过简讯,Facebook 留言, Whatsapp 或 Line等,我都逐一的读进心坎里了。 
