五月二十三日的凌晨,当大部份的人都还赖在温软的床辱上时,睡眼惺松的我却踏上一段不可预知的旅途,去挑战水晶山。由于近来的工作极度繁忙,所以爬山前没做足功课还真是第一次。然而却为这唯一的一次付出代价。 爬这座山所需要的不只是耐力,体力和意志力,更需要的是勇气。无数次手里紧握着绳索,望着脚下那几十尺的山崖, 没有任何安全措施,也没有经验之导,却还是得往前行。其中一段,当我回头望向刚成功攀越的岩山时,可笑的看见“回头是岸”四个字喷写在一块大石上,然而我 们却一笑置之。不过当我们继续向前进时,却开始深深体会到写那四个字者的心情。因为过完这艰难的一座山,在眼前的却是另一座85-90斜度的岩石。徒手攀着那粗造的岩石往上爬,毫无退路。就连下山的过程都是惊险的。倾斜且湿滑的泥路,杂草丛生的树林,每一步都考验着个人的平衡感及耐力。狭窄的通道,很有可能让人一失足滑落山谷。 这惊险的周末换来的是伤痕累累的一身,四肢无一幸免。现在回想起那些惊险画面,还真不懂自己是哪来的勇气爬过那一座又一座的高山岩石。=.= I only get to realize the following article posted by some experience hiker after my return: “A 51-year-old man slipped and tumbled down some 30m. Thanks to bushes that cushioned his fall, he got away with just light injuries. In March, two medical specialists, both experienced trekkers, plunged to their death from about 200m high. In October 2008, a college student plummeted from about 100m but cheated death because the trees broke her fall. She suffered a deep gash on her forehead, cracked ribs and a punctured lung. There were two fatalities in 2000 and 2004 and there have been countless accidents, mostly unreported, in the past nine years.” What the…shocked but thanks to the trekking mates that supported each other along the way ^_^

-* 成功从对面那座山“爬”了过来...
-* 就这样攀着上...
-* 就这样攀着上...
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