~* MY LIFE - with - MY CHOICE - at - MY PACE *~

Saturday 21 November 2020

梦如人生,人生如梦 6

No wonder this world can never be a better place.

· Kindnesses and considerations are rapidly fading and becoming exceptionally scarce on this earth.

· Action speaks louder than words, but I soon realized that the words I am hearing often remained only as phrases and speeches.

· The unrealistic standard of Asian beauty where everyone is expected to be as slim, as good-looking and as young forever like the 20 years old superstar, otherwise words of sarcasm never cease.

· Realistic people are vastly present, but true and sincere friends are nowhere to be found.

· Words of ridicule, derision, jealously and etc have also become the new norms.

So yea…it’s unfortunate that such is the reality.
